Saturday, June 23, 2018

Life After Death - Part 8

Hello!  Yes, I'm still kicking!  I have been away for awhile. My wife and I finally retired and we needed some well-earned down time.  People don't believe me but I have been working since the age of 5 - I'm in my 60s now.  Perhaps like some of you, I grew up in the country and worked in the fields starting at a very early age.  Most people around the world don't think of Americans as growing up poor and living in remote areas but it is still true, even in America!  America is that large! However, the U.S. is still a country where, given effort, one can succeed greatly. And I owe any success I've had to Yehovah-Yeshua!

Before getting to the next set of verses, we have some interesting news! There has always been an argument concerning the correct pronunciation of the Father's name. The Gentile groups have almost always used, "Yahweh", which is really an educated guess and most likely a phonetic attempt at saying "YHWH" in English. No manuscripts exist using Yahweh that I know of. Also, scholars argue over whether the Vav letter is pronounced as a "V" sound or a "W" sound.

Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew and Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, has been saying for the last few years the Holy name is pronounced, "Yehovah", which is what I use. Nehemia and his team have now found over 1,000 Hebrew manuscripts which show the vowel points expressing the name as "Yehovah"! This is huge!

What it means is that, at least in modern Hebrew, the most likely pronunciation is Yehovah. This lines up well with the English use of Jehovah also.

People get upset with such news because they have invested so much time and energy into their own opinions and study on the subject. There is also the realization that Hebrew can be spoken and written in modern, ancient, and paleo-Hebrew expressions which cause some differences of opinion, as well.

At least we now know that the Hebrew Scribes in the last 1500 years or so wrote Yehovah in many of their manuscripts. You may hear Nehemiah's announcement of this here.

... continuing with the study ...

There have been a few instances where Yehovah Himself killed someone because of great transgression. No mention of what happened after these individual's deaths.  Just so you know, as I work through the Scripture and I get repeats of study I've done before, I will not lay it out bit by bit as I've been doing because it's really a waste of time. But, I will mention the verses.

For example, in Gen 49:28 - 33 Jacob died and was, "gathered to his people". That is, buried like the ones before him. And later, in Exodus, Moses kills an Egyptian (with no mention of an afterlife).

Exodus 12 - The Passover :  The first-born of the Egyptians and all who did not place the blood on the doorposts and lintel of their house died. No mention is made of an afterlife.

Exodus 14 - The Red Sea :  Pharaoh and all of his chariot forces drown in the Red Sea (with no mention of an afterlife).

I will stop here, for this entry, and leave you with a thought provoking video on the "Soul".

The Observer