Saturday, January 19, 2019

Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical?

Hi folks!  I hope all of you are well!

Many of my friends and relatives have been raised in what may well be called, the "Baptist" tradition.  One of their man-made doctrines is; "Once Saved, Always Saved".  I've had a friend explain it to me this way; "After you have said a small prayer accepting Jesus into your life and acknowledging His sacrifice on the cross, then you have your salvation and are saved!".  "Later, one gets baptized and that's it - you are His and that can never change."  Some give the details slightly differently, but the essence is still that same.

I've also had people tell me the exact date and time this happened while they were at church.  They refer to this as the day they were saved.  Meanwhile, these folks continue on living their life as they always have, sinning and more sinning.  They tell me they have been forgiven for all past and future sins.

Of course, I ask them, "What is sin?".  But, they can't seem to answer. Sin is the transgression of Torah, of course, 1 John 3. The logic of it escapes them for some reason, and they continue to deny Torah.  I explain to them that a person is not earning their way by following Torah but simply living out the "good works" that Ephesians 2 speaks about.

They need to read the Parable of the Sower.

The Parable of the Sower tells a completely different story than what they (my friends) say.  Jesus (Yeshua) tells us about seed He has spread, His seed, in which some thrive, some die in the harsh weather, some are trampled underfoot, some land on stone, etc. You can read the Parable for yourself in Luke Ch. 8 and Matthew Ch. 13.

Lex Meyer of Unlearn has added much to the correction of this false doctrine. Please enjoy his teaching.

Why is it so important to not be fooled by this man-made doctrine?  It is because it makes the new believer think he has nothing to change in his life after receiving salvation.

In fact the opposite is true, your life needs to change, your heart needs to change, your attitude towards Torah must change.  Torah must eventually become written on your new heart of flesh!  You end up desiring this because you want to obey your Father, and your enmity against Torah disappears!  Then and only then, and if you run the race until the end, will you be "saved".

The Observer

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