Saturday, March 27, 2021

God vs. Man

Continuing for a moment down this "rabbit hole" of man's religion verses biblical belief in the One True God, one great example has come to mind.

While the Roman Catholic Church is an obvious choice with it's Christianized form of Paganism, this is not what I'm speaking of.  Nor am I referring to the RCC's harlot daughters who make up all those Protestant denominations present in the world!

What about Judaism?  It has it's man-made "Oral Law" culminating in the sometimes evil writings of the Talmud.  No ...

Instead, I'm thinking of that most egregious form of Man vs. God; Islam.  If there ever was a man-made religion lacking a basis in Yehovah's Word, Islam is it.

Here is Tom Bradford of "Torah Class" speaking on this subject:

And, Part 2:

The Observer

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