Dear Mr. Tiger: The reindeer cloud does not surprise me as I feed my unicorn every morning before I go to work! I love the lines in "Miracle of 34th Street" "You've heard of the British nation? This is the imagiNATION!" God must have had fun with His clouds that day!
Now we know (already knew, really) what Bush's fat little fascist pig Karl Rove was doing talking to fellow traitors Cornyn and Hutchison.
Bill guts border fence requirement Republican presidential hopeful Duncan Hunter is blasting a Democrat-sponsored bill that would eliminate the requirement passed by Congress to build a double-layered fence covering 854 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border.
"By eliminating the double fence requirement, the Democratic Congress is going to make it easier for drug and human smugglers to cross our Southern land border," said Hunter. "This goes against the interests of any family that has been touched by illegal drugs or any American who has seen their job taken by an illegal alien."
The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations bill would specifically eliminate the mandate of the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
As WND reported last week, an amendment submitted by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and co-sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, for the Department of Homeland Security 2008 budget was aimed at gutting the already-approved Secure Fence Act, which was adopted with the promise hundreds of miles of physical fencing would help secure the U.S. border with Mexico. --- No contest between GWB and Jimmah anymore concerning who did more damage to the soon to be ex-nation.
Yeah! Old King George hasn't played it straight from day one.
I agree with you. "Jimma" might just be one level up from George now. G.W. Bush should be seen and remembered as America's first Islamo-Fascist President, the one who gave away his nation to illegals, the one who blended Muslim Terrorist groups into his own "Homeland Security" agency, the one who followed the advice of none other than King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (the progenitor of world Islamic terrorism).
The Republican and Democrat Party's are gone, as far as I'm concerned. The Dems because they've been anti-American so long, and the Repubs because they failed to rise up against their own bad guy - G.W. Bush.
This is why Hannity's show is sliding to rock bottom and Beck's show is rising. This is why people are beginning to stop listening to Rush. Rush could have said much more but didn't. I've always said, "if the Repubs had a President building ovens for Jews, Rush would have something positive to say about it!"
Dear Mr. Doug: It does feel like we are going down the drain as our borders are being dissolved and illegal immigrants, as well as others who will not assimilate into America's true culture, further corrode the American way of life. Our "leaders" do nothing, our educational system is absurd, and our economy is being given to China and the Middle East. All I can think to do at this point is to get another pistol for my husband for Christmas.
Joe Horn, Texas Danger Like those La Jolla lads, these folks were sweet, loveable, and innocent:
Marling Quiñonez, a 30-year-old Colombian native, said she lived with Diego Ortiz for six months before his death and described him as quiet ''and a very good guy, a sweet man."
Both burglars were illegal aliens from Columbia and believed to be a part an organized crime home burglary ring.
Pasadena police and federal authorities said both men were in the country illegally, and they are trying to determine if they were members of a burglary and fake identity ring. Riascos Torres had been deported to Colombia in 1999, after a cocaine-related conviction.
Dear Mr. Doug, Thank you for encouraging me to consider my need to be armed. I already own a couple of pistols and a rifle. My husband keeps borrowing my Glock 36, 45 calibre because it is small enough to be easily concealed. It is so hard to get men gifts; I think he would appreciate a gift certificate so he could buy his own small pistol. I guess a membership in a gun range would be nice too.
Dear Mr. Tiger:
The reindeer cloud does not surprise me as I feed my unicorn every morning before I go to work!
I love the lines in "Miracle of 34th Street" "You've heard of the British nation? This is the imagiNATION!"
God must have had fun with His clouds that day!
Now we know (already knew, really) what Bush's fat little fascist pig Karl Rove was doing talking to fellow traitors Cornyn and Hutchison.
Bill guts border fence requirement
Republican presidential hopeful Duncan Hunter is blasting a Democrat-sponsored bill that would eliminate the requirement passed by Congress to build a double-layered fence covering 854 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Massive spending bill will alter fence law
"By eliminating the double fence requirement, the Democratic Congress is going to make it easier for drug and human smugglers to cross our Southern land border," said Hunter. "This goes against the interests of any family that has been touched by illegal drugs or any American who has seen their job taken by an illegal alien."
The Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations bill would specifically eliminate the mandate of the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
As WND reported last week, an amendment submitted by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and co-sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, for the Department of Homeland Security 2008 budget was aimed at gutting the already-approved Secure Fence Act, which was adopted with the promise hundreds of miles of physical fencing would help secure the U.S. border with Mexico.
No contest between GWB and Jimmah anymore concerning who did more damage to the soon to be ex-nation.
"You've heard of the American Nation?
It was felled by Illegal Immigration. "
Hello again, Lady!
Ya gotta love that movie! One of my favorites.
Hi Ya, Doug!
Yeah! Old King George hasn't played it straight from day one.
I agree with you. "Jimma" might just be one level up from George now. G.W. Bush should be seen and remembered as America's first Islamo-Fascist President, the one who gave away his nation to illegals, the one who blended Muslim Terrorist groups into his own "Homeland Security" agency, the one who followed the advice of none other than King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia (the progenitor of world Islamic terrorism).
The Republican and Democrat Party's are gone, as far as I'm concerned. The Dems because they've been anti-American so long, and the Repubs because they failed to rise up against their own bad guy - G.W. Bush.
This is why Hannity's show is sliding to rock bottom and Beck's show is rising. This is why people are beginning to stop listening to Rush. Rush could have said much more but didn't. I've always said, "if the Repubs had a President building ovens for Jews, Rush would have something positive to say about it!"
Dear Mr. Doug:
It does feel like we are going down the drain as our borders are being dissolved and illegal immigrants, as well as others who will not assimilate into America's true culture, further corrode the American way of life. Our "leaders" do nothing, our educational system is absurd, and our economy is being given to China and the Middle East.
All I can think to do at this point is to get another pistol for my husband for Christmas.
Be kind to yourself this Christmas:
Ask the husband for a Joe Horn double-barreled home protection device.
LA Unified's graduation rate is less than 50%.
The best thing we ever did was home school to the complete exclusion of any outside schools.
Joe Horn, Texas Danger
Like those La Jolla lads, these folks were sweet, loveable, and innocent:
Marling Quiñonez, a 30-year-old Colombian native, said she lived with Diego Ortiz for six months before his death and described him as quiet ''and a very good guy, a sweet man."
Both burglars were illegal aliens from Columbia and believed to be a part an organized crime home burglary ring.
Pasadena police and federal authorities said both men were in the country illegally, and they are trying to determine if they were members of a burglary and fake identity ring. Riascos Torres had been deported to Colombia in 1999, after a cocaine-related conviction.
Joe Horn acted when people like George Bush and Johnny Sutton wouldn't! Good for him!
Dear Mr. Doug,
Thank you for encouraging me to consider my need to be armed. I already own a couple of pistols and a rifle. My husband keeps borrowing my Glock 36, 45 calibre because it is small enough to be easily concealed.
It is so hard to get men gifts; I think he would appreciate a gift certificate so he could buy his own small pistol. I guess a membership in a gun range would be nice too.
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