Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Comment on "French Intifada"...

Was listening to a local "talker" this morning, Pat Campbell (he's been on O'Reilly a couple of times). His guest was Richard Miniter, who's latest book is called, "Disinformation". It's about WMDs in Iraq and about how the "puking press" has covered up this fact. More too the subject; he's lived in France for almost a decade now, off and on (and the U.S.).

He stated that when an immigrant comes to France, no member of the family may work for a period of two years, they must go on government welfare, and must live in public housing. Also, the "homemaker" (wife, or any family member) cannot clean their own house! A unionized government worker has to do it. Miniter argues that this has created generations of lower class bums who have too much time on their hands. He also argues that these suburbian onclaves of government generated poverty are a breeding ground for terrorists! This means trouble for us too.

Way to go, France! (geez, we even allow our illegals to work!) Of course, this rioting can happen here, as well. "Hispanic" rioting for extension of the Mexican borders into the U.S., anyone?

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