“Then there is the hair,” she adds, referring to the spiky highlights that sharpen her live-wire manner.
What has brought this Uganda-born Asian-Canadian to prominence is her book, “The Trouble With Islam Today,” just out in paperback in the United States where she has been touring and talking.
“Through our screaming self-pity and our conspicuous silences, we Muslims are conspiring against ourselves,” she writes. “We’re in crisis and we’re dragging the rest of the world with us. If ever there was a moment for an Islamic reformation, it’s now.”
... Wow! A Lesbian Muslim - In Canada! With All Those Radical Muslims!

Got here through a link from http://wilsonizer.blogspot.com/.
Thanks. Good read.
I'll be back!
I always thought that the weakest link in Islam was the treatment of woman. Why this has not been exploited by the West is beyond my comprehension. Islam should be required, in the West, to give full and equal rights to woman in and out of their self established communities.
Thanks, Oregonguy; I'll check it out!
Deuce, people like to say we haven't been attacked. They really mean we haven't had another 9-11.
We have been, though, infiltrated, invaded, and setup for future failure because of PC government and institutions.
"Sharia" is growing here in America just like it is in Europe! There's much we haven't exploited; because we're not fighting a war like they are. Bush and the government still does not understand we're in an asymmetrical war here. We're being "attacked" everyday and they just don't get it!
It should be pointed out that she lives with constant death threats as does
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali woman, former Dutch member of Parliament. She fled Somalia, worked with Theo Van Gogh and after his death was driven out of Holland. The sidebar audio interview with her is interesting too.
I saw this Lady on the G. Beck program - very smart, very sharp. She can be a Lesbian if she wants - that's between her and GOD.
Did a piece on Ali awhile back. It's simply amazing to me that the most courageous Muslim representatives are WOMEN!
It makes sense really; brutish, stupid men, and strong- willed intelligent women.
tiger, what it seems to me is that women have a greater incentive to break free from the constraints of the norms of Islamic society. Men, on the other hand, luxuriate in the parochial patriarchy and with it, the numerous, wide-ranging benefits. To violate that would be to challenge the social order.
re: brutish men and intelligent women
What would the men do if the women weren't around to keep the house in order?
Good point, Harrison.
But it still remains, why is it that men in industrial, "civilized" countries have come to grips with this "brutishness" more so than Muslim men?
I would submit that it's not just the luxuries and spare time that we have in such societies, but something more - perhaps a "philosophy of life" more suited to improved behaviour. Dare I say it? Could Christianity and the influence of similar religions be a factor?
I would say YES!
Tiger, I am enjoying the synergy between the sites. Congrats on the new look on the site and three cheer for your stick-to-it-ness!
Thanks, Deuce!
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