Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Presidential Election Just Like A "B" Movie!

My Son and I Re-Watched The 2004 Alien Vs. Predator Movie Last Night. Boredom Sometimes Gets The Best of You And You Succumb.

As We Watched I Realized How Much The Film Is Like This Presidential Election.

Like The Movie, The Election Has An Eclectic Mix Of Genres; Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Suspense/Horror, Thriller and Adaptation, Race-Baiting, Hatred, Etc. - To Name A Few.

One Couldn't Help But Imagine Hillary's Escapades In Bosnia, Barack's Minister, and John McCain Suffering His Torture At The Hands Of A Merciless Enemy (No Laughing Matter - That Last One!)

If You've Seen It You Know That A Team Of Politically Correct, Racially Balanced, Anti-Gun Adventurers Meet In The Antarctic To Survey And Pillage A New Found Pyramid Buried Under The Ice - All Financed By A Dying - Found His True Soul - And Sorry For All The Money He's Made - Businessman.

In True Election - Uh!, I Mean Hollywood Form Most Of The Good Guys Die Quickly, Especially The Contrite White Ones And We're Left With The Black Woman Antagonist And An Italian Who Looks Suspiciously Hispanic.

And! - The Guns Do No Good, Of Course.

Eventually The Hispano-Italian Has To Die Rescuing The Black Woman So It's Only Her, The Aliens, And The Last Remaining Predator. In An Effort To Rid The World Of These Viscious Aliens (From Mexico? - Or Is It Bush?) And Certainly Not To Save Her Own Life, She States To The Predator; "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". The Predator Naturally Understands And They Become A Team.

In The End The Predator Dies A Valiant Death, So Does The Last Alien, Apparently (Room For A Sequel) , And The Erstwhile Black Heroin Is The Lone Survivor, And Wins The Election!

The Great Moral Lesson Taken From The Film (Ha!) Is That We Conservatives Must Support McCain (The Predator) To The Bitter End So The Black Can Win! And ... The Movie Advertising Catch Phrase Is Just Perfect!

"No Matter Who Wins, We Lose!"

The Observer
It's worth noting: The phrase, The enemy of my enemy is my friend is usually considered a foreign policy doctrine that is commonly used to confront a significant enemy through an intermediary in order to undermine the enemy and in a "cold" manner, as opposed to a "hot", direct confrontation. It's an ancient proverb that means that solely because two parties have a common enemy, they are friends. Often described as an Arab proverb, there is also an identical Chinese proverb and both may be an extension of another Chinese proverb that says, "It is good to strike the serpent's head with your enemy's hand." A historical example of this policy occurred when the Greeks were attacked by the Persians at Thermopylae; the Greek city states put aside their differences and fought the common enemy.

HT: The Tigress Suggested This Article!

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