Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Must Reading

The Counterrevolution in Military Affairs Fashionable thinking about defense ignores the great threats of our time. by Ralph Peters 02/06/2006, Volume 011, Issue 20
REVOLUTIONS NOTORIOUSLY IMPRISON THEIR MOST committed supporters. Intellectually, influential elements within our military are locked inside the cells of the Revolution in Military Affairs--the doctrinal cult of the past decade that preaches that technological leaps will transcend millennia-old realities of warfare. Our current conflicts have freed the Pentagon from at least some of the nonsensical theories of techno-war, but too many of our military and civilian leaders remain captivated by the notion that machines can replace human beings on the battlefield. Chained to their 20th-century successes, they cannot face the new reality: Wars of flesh, faith, and cities. Meanwhile, our enemies, immediate and potential, appear to grasp the contours of future war far better than we do.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

Mr. Peters states it, "like it is"! Modern warfare will not win over ruthless, merciless terrorism.

He misses one point, though. (and so do our leaders)

And old work "friend" warned me that we must not become as bad as our enemy - we must not become like them. The man is correct, of course, but we can win against ruthlessness by doing things we may not wish to do, as long as we "keep our heads". REMEMBER! I'm talking survival strategy here!

For example:

1. The problem is ISLAM, therefore remove all Muslims from America.

PP(potential problem): yes, I know. our laws don't allow this. that didn't stop us from rounding up Japs in WW2, though.

2. Liberals are pro-Muslim (or, as they say, tolerant), so we must publically and officially speak against ISLAM. If Libs don't like it - deport a "goodly" number to Syria, again, publically and officially. If they start trouble, come down hard, very hard!

PP: Civil war within the U.S.

3. When threats are made by Muslim countries ...

: )

You get the idea! Not a good way to go and retain freedom. The counter-resultant, though, will be an American society that has been turned into milksop mush - a weak existence that eventually leads to being taken over by anti-societal attrition. We're headed there now. Don't think so? Look at France and England. You better start liking Muhammad!

The only alternative is that we solve the problem now, while we're relatively strong. Attack preemptively, attack viciously, attack to win!

Yes, I know I sound like that kook with the bomb in his turban in Iran. You have a better solution? Please ...I'm all ears!