Monday, February 20, 2006

Optimism, Pessimism, Realism - A Commentary

I've always been intrigued by the O(ptimist), P(essimist), and R(ealist) arguments.

It's been argued that the O's are the most productive, go-getter, positive, hard-working individuals. They are the ones who get things done, the ones who stay positive, and the ones who can be counted on. The P's are those who find fault in everything, can't be trusted when things go sour, and generally, have a bad attitude concerning every endeavor.

Any mixture of these two polar approaches is referred to as; "middle of the road", or the "one who gets run over", 'cause he's in the middle of an issue, not taking sides.

R's are said to take the pragmatic, whatever works approach.

Over the years I've been called an O, P, and an R, depending on which side of an issue I came down on. Or, would that be, "came up on"? : ) Anyway, the truth is that we're all mixtures of the above. Some folks disagree with this, saying that they're always optimistic and positive. Nobody wants to admit pessimism or being too "real", either. Here's my take on it, for what it's worth.

A blind O will always see the positive and bring a ship down because he never seeks to solve problems. Philosophically, he can never admit a problem. If he's in charge he will dismiss those around him that bring up problems. No matter how many holes in the ship have been created - he doesn't want to hear it!

A blind P will see those holes in the ship, blame everyone around him for the holes, and if in charge, will have everyone abandon ship too early.

After considering it, there's no such thing as a blind R. By definition, an R sees things as they are, with clarity. It then becomes a matter of an individual's leadership and energy to solve a problem and to come to a solution. This kind of argument would seem reasonable to most, I believe. A Soldier, faced with overwhelming aggression, destroys the machine gun nest and attacks with such effort that his buddies are saved - this is an example of VALOR and COURAGE, not blind O. The Soldier handles the problem with disregard for his own health and saftey. This is where this sort of effort belongs. It is a decision made by the individual, a leap of faith, a moment of integrity that most of us only dream we could match. This is why combat Soldiers should be held in such high regard.

Our government, at this time, is going through this sort of argumentative decision making. They can't see the "holes", they don't want to hear anyones warnings, they appear to be blind O's. Col. David Hunt would say, "They just don't get it!". This battle with ISLAM (that's exactly what it is) cannot turn into a battle lead by O's and P's. We need R's, R's that will act, not argue.

Let's hope they wake up soon, or many, many more people will have to demonstrate a Soldier's Valor.


Anonymous said...

Great Post Tiger

Given public opinion, I wonder if we're not doing all that we can at this time.

During World War Two, even Churchill could not get his people to act against the Nazis who make the Islamists look like the three stooges. Roosevelt's hands were tied by 99% of the isolationist public. I'm afraid (yes, a pessimist) that before a decadent west will act, things must get very much worse.

So far, the public seems to be tolerating the Iraqi experiment. What will happen if Iran heats up or Iraq goes down in chaos? I think that is why the President warned against isolationism in his STOU address.

9/11 was not our Pearl Harbor. The war in Iraq is other. Now is the occupation. There have been no further attacks. Life goes on.

Tiger said...

I felt I had to write this. Last night, Donna and I watched one of our favorite "old" films, The Man of La Mancha, with Peter O'Toole.

We all know that there are times and places for Don Quixotes. I read Cervantes back in the eight grade.

In the end, I believe there are times for Optimists, Pessimists, and Realists - we just have to learn to get the mix correct.