Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why Iran must be stopped now

Sadly, there is a likely possibility that the appeasers will carry the day in Europe. Iran will be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb unless Bush, Blair and Israel stop them. The consequences of doing so are unknown and fearful, but the cost and consequences of not stopping them may be worse.

The most we can hope for out of the UN is a toothless resolution. Without reform, the UN will cease to be of any help to the US at all. In fact, the UN will become not only unhelpful, but downright hostile to US interests as the Muslim world exerts it's "Allah given-power" over an ever growing umma. Our former allies in Europe will become more and more hostile and in time even an enemy of the United States.

Petro-dollars, nuclear weapons and anti-Americanism will be the ties that bind Venezuela and Iran. Fidel Castro may be in his last years but his revolution is being invigorated by Venezuela’s sponsorship. Many in the US will call for an Isolationist Foreign Policy walling off the south as revolution and socialism further destabilize a continent. War and social upheaval will drive more millions north even as hundreds of thousands seek to flee Europe. In the tumult, the government of Canada will collapse and its provinces will be subsumed into the US.

The civil stresses brought on by massive immigration pressures combined with imposed UN sanctions will result in the appeasement party gaining control of the US.

Appeasement will quickly lead to submission.


Mary said...

Any leader who makes it clear that he intends to wipe a nation off the map cannot be appeased in any way.

We cannot have anything other than a zero tolerance policy for Ahmadinejad's Iran.

Tiger said...

Bingo, Whit! This appeasement will become rampant here, as you say.

This is why we must fight all aspects of "PC" and liberal thought, effort, and doctrine.

A local "talking head" was lamenting that Ann Coulter called Arabs "rag heads". He was distressed by "such language".

A local guy called in to the show, called him a rag head, and suggestd he move to Syria; where PC is rewarded!

We must keep up the fight!