Monday, February 27, 2006

Why William F. Buckley is Wrong

Karl Zinsmeister, editor at The American Entreprise, has just returned from a month long visit to Iraq; his fourth in the last two and a half years.

He talks about the cost in American lives putting it in the context of historical wars. He cites the morale of our troops with reenlistment rates very high. He points out that no war has ever been 100% popular but the American public has been patient with this one.

He admits there are problems but he talks about the progress being made in the reconstruction, building Iraqi security forces and bringing the Iraqis and other Muslims to a better appreciation of America.

William F. Buckley was never a big-time supporter of this war, but he have may abandoned ship a little too quickly. This civil war ain't happening and the worst thing we could do at this point is subscribe to this kind of doom and gloom.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

It is my sincere hope and desire that WFB is wrong (along with me).


You knew there was a "But" ...

The bad guys have now learned what they must do to cause irreparable chaos and disorder. They came close this time - very close. Yes, our troops are terrific, but the Iraqi people may not be able to stand the strain if the "balloon goes up", as the expression goes.

Look who's reined in the populace; the Clerics, not the government! We always knew that the final Iraqi gov would not be like ours. However, this latest consternation shows just what a powder keg Iraq is.

BTW, I've been a Zinsmeister fan for awhile now. I've got one of his early books; Boots on the Ground, A Month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq