Friday, March 17, 2006

European Double Standards

Victor Davis Hanson skewers the Europeans for their double standards in regard to our treatment of detainees at Quantanamo versus dying prisoners in the Hague. He also asks the following questions:

But I wonder: Are we going to look to the European practice of trying war criminals? Should Saddam be transferred to Milosevic's now empty cell? Is the model coalition in Afghanistan all that much more loved or effective than the one in Iraq? Should we shut down Guantanamo and outsource its inmates to The Hague? Have the European police done so much better in hunting down a Mladic or Karadzic than our soldiers have in their more muscular hunt for Osama? And will the United Nations, the EU3, the Russians, and the Chinese, in multilateral fashion, really stop the Iranian nuclear program — or simply stall meaningful action until they can collectively shrug, and sigh, "Oh, well, just another Pakistan, after all"?

He has said lately that if the Europeans don't like us, we should pack up our military bases and go where we are appreciated.

I wholeheartedly agree.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

Let's see...

The Europeeings couldn't keep Milosevic alive, so...

Lets load the plane; you're going on a Europeeing vacation!

...the only good people in Europe are the Polish, and a handful of Brits.