Saturday, March 18, 2006

Food for Thought

Evolutionists, Molecular Biologists and Darwinists are desperate to show that man evolved through random acts of nature. We also hear more about the "intelligence" of DNA in affecting evolutionary change. Well, which is it? Random changes or built-in intelligence? I suppose they'll answer "both."

But how could this explain the male and female of a species? I can't bring myself to believe that the immense diversity we see in nature with the male and female of each species "just happened." How could a species survive long enough to evolve propagating characteristics of male and female sexes?

How could man be so stupid? As Malcolm Muggeridge said, "We are educating ourselves into imbecility."

1 comment:

Tiger said...


...public "education"?

...member of the U.N? of bad leaders?

...political correctness?

...add yours...

Yep! We're all a bunch of stupid crap throwing monkies!