Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Jihad Watch - Sharia Law In America

Play The Sharia Law Game! Is It "halal" or "haram"


Lady Hawk said...

imans are charlatans. The sooner we deport them, other terrorists, the aclu and privatize education the better.
I agree with the Glen Beck show the other night when he said "America love her or leave her!" Why do evil people want to change her? Thanks for all of the persistent, consistent information, Mr. Tiger.

Tiger said...

Lady, I'm sure there are some good decent Imams around serving good decent moderate Muslims. We just don't hear about them very often.

Europe has fallen prey to the establishment of "Sharia" within some of its communities and we are beginning to do the same, primarily due to political correctness.

The GWOT (Global War On Terror) really should be called the; "Global War On Radical Islam" because that's the real problem.