The senators are looking at a way to please conservatives who are skeptical Congress will ever fund the bill's border security provisions, as well as keep Democratic negotiators on board in a last ditch effort to save the comprehensive reform bill.
It is a political tightrope fraught with peril, but the members know they need more Republican support to break through the log jam.
... more lies, more lies ... Lindsay Graham says, "this $4.4 billion would be borrowed from the Treasury and repaid once the fines and fees from the bill are collected, like the $5,000 fine each illegal has to pay for a work visa, called a "Z visa." Graham said it would be better to do it this way, rather than an emergency funding bill, which goes directly to increasing the deficit. "If you put the money into this bill, it goes a long way toward building confidence," Graham predicted." ... all of this absolute horseshit; no, worse than that; it's absolute rat shit. The $5000.00 will never be paid by these folks, never ever. Lindsay Graham, like the President and Mel Martinez and most of the Senate ARE ALL PATHOLOGICAL LYING BASTARDS!
... we have laws ON THE BOOKS that handle this problem but you PIECES OF SHIT won't ENFORCE THEM! BUILD THE DAMN FENCE!
Have you NOTHING Positive to Observe?
(I learn from my friends)
Wed Jun 13, 06:37:00 PM EDT
Doug said...
"You ride around your white castle, On your little white horse
You lie to your people, and blame it on your war of course
You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite
You call yourself a patriot, well I think you’re full of shit"
Bush had to wrestle long and hard with the idea of throwing our money at the problem, (in place of DOING HIS JOB) given his spotless record of Fiscal Restraint.
The Hacendado
"Comprehensive immigration reform” should be set aside so that over the next 18 months, President Bush can do what his administration has failed to do over the past six years. Don’t just show us the money, show us the enforcement."
Sounds like a clever way to LOSE, but perhaps I don't understand
Republicans are preparing a list of ten or so amendments they want debated. In return, they would promise to back cloture and thus stop Republicans opposed to the bill from talking it to death. Reid knows this, too.
Give the choice to Reid?
Terrific "roll", Doug.
El Presidente is amazing isn't he?
No Drug Smuggler Left Behind
Ramos was nominated for Border Patrol Agent of the Year in 2005.
His nomination received a major setback when the Bush administration decided to put him in prison instead.
Ramos and Compean are now serving more than 10 years apiece in solitary confinement for chasing a drug-running illegal alien back to Mexico.
Intriguingly, Kanof also says: "The Border Patrol pursuit policy prohibits the pursuit of someone." (Hence, the oft-heard warning of the border agent in hot pursuit, "Stop or I'll ... do absolutely nothing!") Can we apply this rule to meter maids and tax collectors?
But wait -- that's not all! The Border Patrol agents also exceeded the speed limit. "In order to exceed the speed limit," Kanof said, "you have to get supervisor approval, and they did not."
Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez shot at the tires of a van full of illegal aliens, inadvertently wounding one of them. Sutton prosecuted Hernandez. The government proceeded to give the illegal aliens green cards and $100,000 each.
Illegal aliens might want to rethink Bush's amnesty plan. The only Hispanics Bush seems to prosecute are the ones who are law-abiding U.S. citizens.
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