It's also the right time to do something else; declare "war" on your Senator who voted for illegal immigration! I have two very odoriferous, misleading, far-left, anti-American scum in my "sights"; Mel "the Chameleon" Martinez and Bill "the Commie" Nelson. Starting now, I will do everything in my power within the judicious restraints of law and order to remove them from office. We also have a Representative in my district that needs to go; Ric "Baby Face" Keller, a most egregious character of ill-repute!
All citizenry from the "glorious 50" are hereby called to duty! Start your campaigns now, plan them well, be relentless in your attack, give no quarter, ignore party affiliation; pull their "political skeleton" right out of their skins!

Dear Mr. Tiger,
I am excited about winning the immigration battle! The American people can influence the direction of America! Thanks to BLOGGERS, internet conservative news and conservative radio shows, We the People can get the Truth and respond to it! You are right to admonish us to keep the pressure on. I notice the liberal politicains et. al. are attacking the supreme court now.
Right you are, Lady!
Any steps toward reversal of Brown V. the Board of Education is a good one, and as you say, the Supreme Court will be attacked for it. Some are saying Roberts and Alito will be the only good thing Bush will have done and that's probably correct.
BTW, no need to join The Army of the American Citizen because any and all citizens are automatically drafted into service!
Please contact your Senators and tell them, point-blank, that their days are numbered, and work towards that end as best you can.
You can do this at:RightMarch.Com.
FYI, and Others:
Here's spme additional resources from RightMarch.Com
Be sure to tell everyone on your e-mail contact list to go to so they can take action, too!
You can also have even MORE of an impact -- Go to to send "Blast Faxes" to EVERY SINGLE SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE in Washington, D.C. ... EVERY SINGLE GOVERNOR in all 50 states... and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN STATE CHAIRMAN across America, demanding they SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW, BUILD THE FENCE NOW, and ENFORCE THE LAW NOW!
You also have an option to help RightMarch with a donation.
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