For the Jewish holiday season stretching from Rosh Hashanah (this year, September 13) to Simchat Torah (October 5), Israel’s security forces have been put on the highest alert level against terrorist attacks. Intelligence sources have issued “eight specific terror warnings and dozens of general warnings.” The threat is emanating mainly from towns like Jenin, Nablus, and Hebron in the West Bank, which is under at least the nominal rule of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Amid a welter of other incidents including nonstop rocket and mortar fire from Gaza, last Friday terrorists shot at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the West Bank and wounded two. It was the “military wing” of Abbas’s Fatah movement that openly took credit.
This week an extended Israel Defense Forces antiterror operation in Nablus, in which one soldier was killed, led to the arrest of a suicide-bombing cell and of two more Fatah terrorists.
Meanwhile, Condoleezza Rice came to Israel for talks on the peace conference supposed to be held in November between Israel, the PA, and as many Arab states as can be cajoled into attending. In his speech on the Middle East last July 16, President Bush called on the Arab states to “end[. . .] the fiction that Israel does not exist, stop[…] the incitement of hatred in their official media, and send[…] cabinet-level visitors to Israel.”
Bush and Rice know that these words have had no effect and none of those things have been done. They also know that Abbas and his fellow alleged moderate, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, have done absolutely nothing to end genocidal anti-Israeli indoctrination in the PA, where anti-Israeli (and -Jewish) hatred runs so high that any Israeli who strays into a PA town is likely to be dragged out of his car and lynched by a mob.
... meanwhile, don't forget Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week:

Good post, Tiger. It seems that every administration succumbs to the popular wisdom that they must be seen as a "neutral party working toward peace in Palestine." As if it will make any difference in the way the Arab world views both the United States and Israel. What is the old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Something like that.
Strange isn't it, when you consider all the many years of diplomatic effort (failures) as it relates to the Israel-Palestine question?
You're exactly right, my friend, INSANITY! Insanity at all costs to avoid war.
This madness is exactly why we can't fight wars properly or manage our national economy without selling it to the highest bidder.
Make damn sure the arms room is stocked to the hilt at your house and plans are prepared and known by the family. Because our government will allow the wolves into our neighborhoods, amongst the sheep, in order to avoid conflict - never realizing or understanding that's exactly what the wolf wants!
They're doing the same to Israel!
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