According to the poll:
-34% gave Bush positive marks for his leadership fighting the way on terror, while 65% gave him negative marks. This is markedly worse than three years ago, when, as he was re-elected, two in three respondents gave the President positive marks for his handling of the war on terror. Just 62% of Republicans give their standard-bearer positive marks on the issue.
-61% said they think of that fateful day at least once a week.
-16% said they think of the attacks at least once every day.
-77% of those in the East said they think about the attacks at least once a week.
-46% of those in the West said they think about the attacks at least once a week.
-90% of those in the East said they see the attacks as the most significant historical event of their lifetimes.
-75% of those in the West said they see the attacks as the most significant historical event of their lifetimes.
The survey, conducted Sept. 6 -9, 2007, included 938 respondents and carries a margin of error of +/- 3.3 percentage points.
-83% said the entire nation should observe a moment of silence or visit a memorial to honor the people who were killed that day.
-16% of Americans said they have visited Ground Zero in downtown Manhattan since the attacks.
-62% of Americans said the nation is now better protected against terrorist attacks compared to before Sept. 11.
-14% said the nation is less well protected compared to six years ago.
-23% said there is no difference between our preparedness before and after the attacks.
-91% said they believe the U.S. will be attacked again by terrorists on American soil.
-47% believe that attack will come sometime in the next five years, 19% said it could come at any time in the next decade. Another 25% said they expect another attack, but they were unsure when it might take place. Just 4% said they believed the U.S. was immune from future terrorist attacks, while 4% were unsure.
... its interesting that a full 1/3rd of Americans don't think we're prepared or protected. I'm one of those 1/3rd. With the Presidents love of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, his scrooge-like greed for illegal immigration, and his refusal to fight the W.O.T. on ALL fronts; we are in REALLY BIG TROUBLE!

Dear Mr. Tiger:
I mourn for America every 9/11.
I will never forget especially those people who joined hands and jumped to escape the fires of the WTC buildings.
Mr. Tiger, My family's American flag is the only one out in the neighborhood today.
At work there were maybe two students wearing patriotic shirts. No teachers-other than myself who played patriotic music, wore a shirt, flag earrings, an Amaerican flag scarf and hair ornaments-honored the events of 9/11 today. People have already forgotten. They are more concerned with Brittany Spears than America.
Thank you for the video, for all of the events you make people aware of. You are quite a patriot.
God continue to bless you and to bless America.
... noticed the same thing here, Lady. No tee-shirts, no flags, etc...
As long as Americans are making money they seem to be "happy". Regrettably, that appears to be their only motive nowadays.
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