Saturday, October 08, 2005

Online Games Addictive? How about Blogging?

Koreans are dying to play online games. How obsessed are they? Do you know anyone who appears to be hooked? Do we need government warnings? Is blogging addictive?

If a blog falls in the wilderness does anyone read it? (Nod to whatifif)


Anonymous said...

This is just the modern version of opium. The Yankee has once again found a way to distract the superior Yellow race.

Anonymous said...

My friend Chow Lee said the following:

(For context, imagine a Korean accent)
"Why you pick on Koreans, what Koreans do to you? We have haaaard time, just trying to survive. My cousin Kim (if you have heard one Korean say "my cousin Kim", you've heard it a thousand times), he lose his whole business in LA riots. If he no get rewaaard money from NRA for kill all them looters during riots, his family no have money for even rice. What wrong with you, pick on Koreans?"

Chow Lee has a real way with words.:)

Anonymous said...

I did not mean to insinuate anything about Koreans but I started thinking about why they of all people would be addicted to playing violent on-line games. I think it must be an inate Asian bloodlust. Think about it, it's in their blood for thousands of generations. It something they share with the Japanese...