Friday, October 21, 2005

Same Sex Marriage

"If a word means everything, then it means nothing. Stretching words like "marriage" and "family" to include all sorts of things that they never meant before is reducing these words -- and the institutions they represent -- to nothing." Thomas Sowell

Smarter men have recently warned that Same sex marriage is just a sham for eventually doing away with marriage altogether. We can look to countries like Sweden to see where this nonsense leads. Read here.

Like the Supremes, I too think we can look at other countries for examples (this is where I part company with Breyer and O'Connor) of what not to do. Which paths not to go down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are witnessing a moral and spiritual battle for the hearts and minds and souls of this country. Christians believe that morality comes from God and was codified about 4,000 years ago in the Torah. Beastiality, incest, and homosexuality were individually and specifically identified as abominable sin.

2,000 years ago, Paul reiterated that homosexuality was not natural and and he noted that homosexuals were "paying the price in their bodies". It is quite possible that even then homosexuals suffered with Hepatitus or AIDS.

2,000 years after Paul's warning, and in the last 15 to 20 years alone, millions have died of AIDS including over 6 million children. We know that this is largely due to promiscuous sexual behaviour or to use the old fashion words, sodomy and fornication.

Since WWII we have witnessed a perversion of U.S. history and morality. Freedom of religion has become freedom from religion. The Judaeo-Christian values which form the basis for our traditional morality have been under unrelenting attack by those who rail against our morality while at the same time attempting to impose their own secular, hedonistic morality upon the country.