Wednesday, January 25, 2006

RU 486? The Walk For Life West Coast

I had a discussion with a female coworker once, a delightfully pretty and young French Canadian. We were discussing RU 486, the aftermorning "abortion" pill created in France and since distributed to America.

We were wondering where the name came from and it suddenly hit me! The old "Davy Jones Locker" lymric mentions 86 fathoms (there are several myths about Davy Jones). That is, when you walk the plank and drown you go to Davy Jones locker, 86 fathoms below. This means death!

When I mentioned this to the girl she blanched whiter than than a "vanilla only" city in a classic Ray Nagin hallucination.

So... the question is:

R U for DEATH?

...take a look at the "title" link and see which group reminds you more of the grim reaper!

also, here's another appropriate link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a real life example of the true value of the blogosphere. It's not just bloviating but actual on the ground reporting. Okay, so it has a little editorializing but that doesn't alter the picture. The antique media no longer control the information flow!