Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Saudis Praise Hamas

Our youngish, "old" barbecue pal, Prince Sultan, is apparently pleased that Hamas won the election and has proposed giving $100 million to the PA this year.

What will we do? Oh, talk about cutting funds to Hamas and then cave in - for human rights reasons, of course!

UPDATE:http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,183525,00.html Feb 2, '06


Anonymous said...

I like to hope that we could stand on principle but based on history, I think you're right.

Anonymous said...

We might as well be hooked on heroin supplied by the Saudis. As long as they supply our "oil fix," we pretend that they aren't giving us oil with one hand while bitch splapping us with the other.

Anonymous said...

There will be a lot of pressure on Israel to turn over the money to the PA.

BTW: How long will we have to refer to them as the PA? Don't they have their own country? Oh, I forgot, they refuse to form their own country until they wipe out the Jews.