Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another Line in the Sand

UN: Draws a line in the sand and says, "I dare you to cross this line."
Iran: Crosses the line and asks, "What are you going to do about it?"
UN: Draws another line in the sand and says, "I double-dog dare you."

From the AP: U.N. Deadline on Iran Looms Tomorrow
TOMSK, Russia - The leaders of Russia and Germany urged Iran to fulfill its international nuclear obligations Thursday, a day before a U.N. Security Council deadline for Iran to stop enriching uranium.

While the Iranians threaten the destruction of Israel and everyday engage in the most provocative threats against the US, Putin says:
"Our position is clear and well known. We are for the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction," Putin said. "But we believe that Iran must have an opportunity to develop modern technologies and peaceful nuclear energy."

The headline announces a "deadline" but I suspect we'll see another line drawn.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

Whit, the Iranians apparently don't "give a damn", as we have now been told.

I've made up my mind on the U.N. We give away our sovereignty to a group of people talking about "what to do" with a bully. We make public statements proclaiming our love of peace.

The United Nations and our "tolerance" of it has caused more violence than any other organization in the world. The small conflicts it has been effective in stopping could and have been stopped by simple bilateral talks, more so than declarations from the so-called security council.

To continue to be part of the U.N. is simply un-American. Bolton needs to go home.