Sunday, April 30, 2006

Amazing! Could Islam be the Problem with Islam?

... this book highly recommended

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)

"The Koran, Spencer argues, does not teach tolerance and peace. At best, he explains, there are isolated sections which urge Muslims to leave unbelievers alone in their errant ways, and which counsel that forced conversion is forbidden. But these must be considered in context with other verses, such as those directing that Mohammed "make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them," and that the faithful "slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them," and so on."


Anonymous said...

Those wishing to wreck havoc on the world in the name of Islam can find plenty of justification in the Koran.

Those that believe in Allah but do not wish to conquer the world seem to nevertheless believe that the world should be Islamic. They are the first ones to submit to the fundamentalists.

Tiger said...

The Great Battle of Armageddon may depend on whether or not we react to this threat. And no, I’m not advocating WAR - nor do I claim to be a prophet.

I have the full realization that some people see Christianty as a threat just as I see Islam.

As you imply, Whit, the difference seems to be that Christianity has a history rich in obstinence and individuality. We question …. and in our questioning we try to find the truth. We don’t go along with the fundamentalists, usually.

This difference marks us as on the side of good, in my opinion. Of this I’m convinced.