Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1st and Other Dates

My wife and I just celebrated our 26th anniversary back on April 19th. Donna is one of those good, decent, mid-western, Chicago girls; a third generation Pole, who can tell a good "Pollack" joke better than anyone. I can dance my Irish jig and she dances her polka and, believe it not, it goes well together. Her Polish/German grandmother lived in Port St. Lucie with her German (step) grandfather, who's claim to fame was that as a very young man he served as a guard for Kasier Wilhelm II. "Babcia", Polish for grandmother, was a grand old dame who let slip German-Polish-English off her tongue as easily as I speak "redneck". We loved to visit them and made sure our kids spent time with them. My children would watch in horror as old "Ted" would eat his raw "beef tartar". : ) Both of those dear ones are gone now ... so are Donna's parents.

These kind of people came to America through Ellis Island trying to escape the European poverty and political madness prior to, during, and after WW1. They came here legally, learned English and worked hard, sending their kids to college and off to serve in WW2. Yes, I know the immigration laws were different then, but that doesn't matter. These folks adapted to their new country and adopted it's culture while sharing the old culture with the kids - the way its supposed to be done. To them, May 1st was a day that COMMUNISTS celebrated, NOT AMERICANS!

Donna and I got married in April, as close to her mother's birthday as possible. The 19th was the only day the Catholic church was free. We didn't know until later we had chosen Hitler's birthday. Then, in another future coincidental twist, the massacre at WACO and the Oklahoma City bombing made the "19th" anniversary. We don't mind that these infamous dates are the same as our anniversary, not being superstitious.

... still, we have to wonder ... why did the illegals choose May 1st?

... If old Ted were still alive, he would be wearing his pointed helmet and cleaning his Mauser today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, Tiger. May 1. Earth Day, the Communist Revolution, Mexican protestors day.

It's the reds...