Sunday, May 14, 2006

Murderous, Evil, Political Correctness - Insight Into Liberals

Britain surrendering to Radical Islam ...

"This gave rise to multiculturalism and minority rights, which held that all cultures were equal to each other and which thus provided minorities with an enormous weapon with which to force the majority to give in to their demands. One of the consequences of this was moral inversion, which holds that since minorities are weak they must always be victims of the majority because it is strong. So even when minorities behave badly, it’s always the majority’s fault. Translate that onto the world stage, and you arrive at the view that even when third world people commit terrorist outrages against the west it must be the west which is to blame. That’s why multicultural Britain said, after 9/11, that America ‘had it coming to them’ – and why, after the London bombings last July, it said the reason British Muslim boys had blown up the London transit system was because of Britain’s support for the US in Iraq. "

... think this isn't happening here - in America?

White guilt concerning blacks, the American Indian ...? Read Mr. Steele's book;

"African-American conservative Steele (A Dream Deferred, 1998, etc.) charges guilty white liberals and their black enablers with unleashing a moral relativism that is corrupting America."

Shelby Steele's Bio:

During a FOXNEWS interview Mr. Steele suggested that we (America) cannot win the war on terror unless we rid ourselves of this PC nonsense. The man may have a point ...

1 comment:

Tiger said...

That's real nice, "gemini" - stupidity in action. Thanks for helping to prove my point about LIBERALS. Use your "tunes" next time you go to a funeral. It would be as appropriate as using them here!