Saturday, August 05, 2006

This Has All Happened Before - V.D.H.

"Our present generation too is on the brink of moral insanity. That has never been more evident than in the last three weeks, as the West has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and terrorist aggressors who seek to kill civilians. "

... strange isn't it, how some see it and some don't?


Tiger said...

Me too ...

But my fear is that we're simply paving the way for "the big one", waiting until we have to do more or die.

Anonymous said...

I was going to post on this VDH column too. He has cited the amoral west as incapable of moral judgment. It struck me as his most damning one to date. I share his frustrations completely and the following paragraphs struck me as too sadly true.
It is now a cliché to rant about the spread of postmodernism, cultural relativism, utopian pacifism, and moral equivalence among the affluent and leisured societies of the West. But we are seeing the insidious wages of such pernicious theories as they filter down from our media, universities, and government — and never more so than in the general public’s nonchalance since Hezbollah attacked Israel.

These past few days the inability of millions of Westerners, both here and in Europe, to condemn fascist terrorists who start wars, spread racial hatred, and despise Western democracies is the real story, not the “quarter-ton” Israeli bombs that inadvertently hit civilians in Lebanon who live among rocket launchers that send missiles into Israeli cities and suburbs.

Reading this week the BBC "Have Your Say" has lead me to simply conclude that we are entering a period where the battle lines have hardened. Reason and logic are no longer effective. I feel that I have done my homework, I researched the history of Palestine from the start of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century, I read information on the Balfour Declaration, I read about the Zionists buying (not stealing) barren lands and making them productive. I read about Arab uprisings in the 1930's. I know the history about the Grand Mufti and his relationship with Hitler. I know about the history of Israel since 1948. I know who is at fault here. I have seen article after article about the hate emanating out of the Islamic mosques. I have seen Islamists terror attacks worldwide. I have been very disappointed to see Arab and Muslim reactions and attitudes when the US led coalition has tried to bring sanity and stability. The Iraqis and the Lebonese in particular have not only greatly disappointed me but have also opened my eyes to the depth of the insanity which pervades the Muslim world.

I'm am tired of arguing with those who are pathologically incapable of seeing the Truth. The rest of the Western world can descend into madness, but I know where I will stand and what I will not submit to.

Tiger said...

Stated perfectly, Whit!

How obvious can it be? We know what needs to be done, but our leaders are hesitating.

Mrs. Tiger and I watched the "Great Gun Debate" (again) between Wayne LaPierre (NRA) and Rebecca Peters (the spokes-person behind the "get rid of all guns" movement) - she supported an idea that was very disturbing; "nobody has the right to self-defense, that is what the government and the U.N. are for."

... that describes exactly what's happening here; someone else is responsible for "us", not ourselves. We aren't even responsible for helping Israel. It's all very frightening!