Big wars require big strategies, and we do not have one. Yet. I believe the country would support one if the case were made clearly and honestly. Taking the war to our enemies in Damascus and Tehran does not require troops on the ground or bombs from the air, except in the limited cases of terrorist training camps and weapons factories. It requires, above all, two things: support for the democratic forces in Syria and Iran, and the will to confront our enemies. That will can be easily expressed, but no president has had the coherence and courage to do that. Iran has been at war with us for nearly thirty years, but no president has ever said we want an end to the terror regime in Tehran.
It’s long past time to hear those words.
... Ledeen does a great job describing the WORLD WAR ON TERROR which we're not effectively fighting.

Dear Mr. Tiger:
president bush should learn from President Reagan-listen to your advisors but do the right thing despite or on account of them.
They need to be brutal with the War on Terror since economic and other political tricks have not worked. Instead of sending in the clowns/politicians/un, we need to send in the bombs! Level the warring field with bombs instead of using our spectacularly brave military men and women.
Lady, sometimes I think the Bush administration is actually fighting a delaying tactic FOR AL-QAEDA!
I say this because in reality that's exactly what's happening. "America" refuses to fight the Global War On Terror globally and literally (on ALL fronts) while aQ gets stronger in Europe, England, and the U.S.
It's perfect strategy for an Insurgent. The so-called enemy (America) pisses away time, money, lives and effort "piece-mealing" while they slip in under the darkness of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!
- a classic guerrilla move!
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