Just in time for the Fourth of July, John Lott, author of the groundbreaking 1998 book "More Guns, Less Crime," has released another amazing book: "Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't." This book provides studies and analysis proving that your every right-wing instinct is based on sound economic analysis.
To wit:-Women shouldn't vote: "What changed ... that explains the growth of government? The answer is women's suffrage."-Fox News Channel isn't conservative: "Even employees of Fox News, which is widely regarded as a conservative channel, donate 81 percent of their contributions to Democrats."
-Public schools are government re-education camps: "(P)ublic education was actually designed to spread government-approved values."
-Nothing good has come from abortion: "(A)bortion, in fact, increases crime." Felons vote Democrat:"Remarkably, it looks as if virtually all felons are Democrats."

Sen. Gary Siplin, D-Orlando, speaks during a state Senate criminal justice committee meeting, April 20, 2005, in Tallahassee, Fla. Siplin can't vote in elections because he's a convicted felon. But because he can still vote in the Legislature, he is pushing a bill that would automatically restore voting rights a year after a felon's sentence is completed. Florida is among a handful of states that bars felons from voting after they finish their sentence.
(AP Photo/Steve Cannon, File)
... continues; it's very good; terrific job, Ann!
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