Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews
"From the late PLO terrorist chieftain Yasir Arafat to the Saudi royals, Arab dictators and militants of every stripe could always count on Carter to spring to their defense against Israel and the West. By contrast, Israel, the Middle East's sole democracy, is in Carter's warped vision a racist "apartheid" state, as deserving of international censure as her terrorist enemies in Hamas are deserving of support."
Which Muslims are on the enemy’s side and which on ours?
"Can there be more than one kind of Islamist?"
David's Blog - Straight Talk From a C.S.M.
"Jimmy Carter, you're the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You're the runner-in-chief. "

Dear Mr. Tiger,
You and EB are too prolific for me to keep up with!
This BLOG pushes my red button on how high school and college students are not taught modern American history. As Herbert's "Dune" said "there are plans within plans," and I see the plan to remove America's middle class as Russia and Germany did for political control. It is incredible for an "Uncle Misha" to be such a fine human in spite or because of his country's political ideology.
I get a sardonic laugh that politicians and the MSM think we the people believe the lies they tell. Yet, I get frightened thinking they believe their own lies, and that hypocrisy is a way of life with them. Thank you for all of the BLOGs you design!
[1] Carter and the Ebassy travesty.
[2] Reagan and the 241 Marines wiped out in Lebanon by Hizballah.
Reagan ordered a just reprisal yet it was overturned at the last minute by Secretary Wineberger.
Wineberger should have been court-marshalled. Because the two were university buddies, Reagan forgave him.
This is where turning the other cheek started and both Clinton and Carter continued the trend.
Justified crack-downs may well have averted the degree of mess we have today.
Russia backing out of Afghanistan. Every white flag move made is regarded as pure victory by our Jihadi antongonists. = TG
Thanks again, Lady.
We can put the truth out there but it's up to the people to act on it.
Gone are the days of the "Founding Fathers", it seems, however, I believe we can re-light the torch of freedom, as it were.
It just takes a lot of effort.
TG, you're exactly right!
Every weakness we show gives a little more impetus to the bad guys, one more victory for them, and a loss for us.
It will take us forcing our leaders (somehow) to understand this and change course (fight the real war on terror). - we have to keep working!
BTW, TG - thanks for the visit and comment.
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