The recent highly publicized photos and video of San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer serving Communion to two flamboyantly dressed members of the ultra anti-Catholic "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" was no happenstance.
And soon they will be on their way to the Vatican for any who have not yet seen them.
"I am the gentleman responsible for the filming of the whole thing," Anthony Gonzales, chief of the St. Joseph's Men Society, told WND shortly after the first round of publicity over the photos and video. "I sent one of my men to film this.
"We knew he was going into this parish in the heart of the Castro Street Fair to celebration and be part of the celebration of their lifestyle, and we were waiting to see what he was going to do and how he was going to do it," Gonzales said.
And the reason?
"We can't even take our children to Mass anymore. We can't even go to our churches," he said.
"We finally got to the point, and said, 'Hey, look, we can't take this anymore,'" he said.
"We want the Roman Catholic faithful to return, and are sick and tired of having to deal with men who are faithless, who are our leaders," he said. "They come into positions of power because of other homosexuals, or at least are promoting them into positions of power.
"We want to keep the fires burning. This guy has to know he can't continue to get way with his actions. He's played dumb before," he said. "He says, 'I guess I made a mistake.' So he always makes these mistakes!"
"He says he didn't recognize two gay men dressed in drag coming up to receive Communion in clown makeup!" Gonzales wondered.
That incident was publicized with the mens group video on the Catholic blogsite Quamdiu Domine.
The archbishop, in an diocese newspaper editorial, apologized for serving the two "Sisters," explaining he didn't recognize who they were.
... Also assembled was documentation from Americans for Truth about the church's repeated sponsorship of booths and other entries in the various San Francisco "gay" festivals, such as the recent Folsom Street Fair, on which WND reported.
... "We need to bulldoze to the ground every Catholic Church in S.F. and send these left handed Catholics to the Masonic lodge where they truly belong. Let Satan put up with them," added "pablo."
... Mark was succinct: "Blasphemy."
... "You could say the Archbishop has a 'wide stance' toward perversion-enthusiasts in the church," added "Grandma Hat."
Previous stories:
See who's receiving Communion in San Francisco
Graphic pix of sex-fest sent to Miller's hometown
Spokeswoman 'dropped ball' on homosex-fest query
Pelosi won't condemn 'gay' slur of Last Supper
Homosex-fest sparks holy war with Miller
'Miller pulls logo from 'gay' Last Supper ad
'Gays' mock Jesus with Last Supper take-off
School kids appear in homosexual parade
State education chief pushes 'gay' pornfest
... dressed in Scarlet and Purple, sitting on many waters ...

Dear Mr. Tiger:
How prolific you are!
The disturbing video on islamic women was a brave blog. It is necessary to kick some pc tail sometime. Please excuse my language.
I wish the California fires would destory San Francisco. I would become unglued if one of those perverts were in my church. I'd let my hawk side out and probably get excommunicated in the process!
Then that boy behind the 82nd airborne soldier-God bless all of our military people former, present and future!
I have to keep reminding myself Who is really in control!
Lady, we must be shown the REALITY OF ISLAM! It's taken me awhile to realize the evil of Islam - this short film shows it in its most aberrant condition.
The Kalifornia fires are a direct result of man's stupidity, especially LIBERAL man.
As far as the San Francisco church problem; well, it's really a VATICAN problem. I'm always amazed at people because they think I'm referring to Catholics when I mention the VATICAN. I want to make it clear - I'M NOT!
The VATICAN is the political head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Papacy was created by ROME, not Peter, not Jesus, or any others in the early church. The VATICAN obviously influences the Catholic Church and throughout history has led it astray. Pope Bennie could get rid of the Archbishop - we'll see if he does. Like many "church organizations" today, Protestant included, the VATICAN is slowly moving towards APOSTASY! Let's hope the Catholic congregation can correct their POLITICAL leadership!
Those pics of the Soldier are great, aren't they? : )
I wish the California fires would destory San Francisco.
I pray that the fires are extinguished and everyone is kept safe, even in San Francisco, in the name of Jesus.
The VATICAN obviously influences the Catholic Church and throughout history has led it astray.
This will be my last post to Observanda.
Do what you have to do 'T'. I don't worship the VATICAN and neither does my Catholic wife.
History is replete with examples of this; Protestant and "Catholic".
Remember when we talked about "man" and "flesh" VS, Spirit?
You know the Bible very well - better than me, I will admit!
Who changed the Sabbath to Sunday?
Who calls Pastors "Father"?
Who includes pagan worship "items" in it's organization?
Who created teachings that were not from the early church?
I could go on and on; about Protestant, as well as "Catholic. The body of Christ is NOT a man-made organization. You either worship CHRIST or the POPE, not both!
Dear Ms Teresita,
I never thought you a coward. I do have a propensity to believe people are good, and it is crushing to learn when people are not as good as I thought they were.
I find Observanda the most truthful BLOG around.
I think Mr. Tiger is most respectful, direct and honest in his BLOGS and comments.
I am a Bible-reading Catholic and the papacy is not the Catholic Church any more than the American government is "We the People".
Ms Teresita, I respect you as my sister in Christ, but there are walls you have built around yourself that I do not understand. I read your comments on EB and Observanda and I feel you have imprisoned yourself in walls of ignorance, hate and feminism. God is joy, wisdom, peace and beauty.
I am talking as if I knew you personally, as I am concerned about your soul. What motivates your opinions other than the sites you gave me? What does your heart and spirit teach you as you pray?
When someone is as negative as you are, I feel they are in conflict with their conscience.
It is hard to be good; it is hard to be a Christian. There are moments of angst throughout the quest to become true believers.
I believe you will find more answers here, and can later help me with your new found strength and wisdom than if you run away.
The governor of California legally okayed taking mother and father out of educational curriculum. The fires could be the wrath of God. The Bible is clear on God's law about homosexuality. There can be no debate. True believers must stand up and defend the faith and testify to Christ or suffer the consequences. "For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when He comes in His glory, and the Glory of the Father and of the holy angels." Luke 9: 26.
Whats' really IRONIC, is that the people complaining about the VATICAN in the posted article are CATHOLIC!
Related Article:
Catholic School Bans Harry Potter!
Ahh! Just had an idea!
Remember the Islam video?
When you blend POLITICS and Religion into one, as with Islam; you get horrible consequences!
As well, when you blend the VATICAN (politics) with the true believers you get horrible consequences!
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