NewsMax: You argue that if Democrats had any brains they’d be Republicans. Given their wimpish performance on the Hill that lost them the last election, wouldn’t it be fair to ask if Republicans had any guts they’d be Republicans?
Coulter: No. Republicans are already Republicans, guts or not. “If Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans” was my way of saying that Democrats are stupid. Some Republicans are stupid and some are gutless, but neither of these conditions have become a psychosis seizing the entire party as with the Democrats.
And by the way, I don’t mind gutless Republicans, provided they are scared of us, rather than scared of liberals. We scared them pretty good on the amnesty bill.
NewsMax: You are accused of committing “hate crimes” or using “hate speech” when you attack liberals. What is hate speech?
Coulter: “Hate speech” is telling the truth about liberals.
NewsMax: Is Communism still alive and well inside the Democratic Party?
Coulter: You tell me: Which party advocates “windfall” taxes; estate taxes; universal, government-run medicine, education and daycare; minimum wages; a maximum wage; massive wealth transference through higher income taxes; and the wearing of Che Guevara t-shirts?
NewsMax: Should Islam be seen as peaceful religion?
Coulter: Please, no “gag” questions. This is supposed to be a serious interview.
NewsMax: What do you think of the chances of Obama and John Edwards?
Coulter: I didn't realize they were dating. I guess they both have a lot of extra time now that their wives are doing the campaigning.
NewsMax: What's your opinion of Rudy Giuliani?
Coulter: I’m not sure there are enough anti-gun, pro-choice Republicans to elect him.

Dear Mr. Tiger:
Yeah! She's super! The classic "gadfly" - smart, witty, brutally honest. She greets absurdity with even greater absurd sarcasm!
I realize that Repub politicians have to be more "diplomatic" but you find yourself wishing they had half the guts of Coulter.
As for the Dems; Ann calls them what they are and isn't bashful about it!
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