At the Supreme Court today, a dangerous principle is being asserted to help an odious man.
The odious man is José Ernesto Medellín, who is on death row in Texas for his role in the 1993 gang rape and murder of two teenage girls. The dangerous principle is that the president of the United States has the power to order state courts to set aside state law in the interest of his foreign policy.
... please read it all ...

The more executive power Bush grabs before January 20, 2009, the more executive power Hillary Clinton will start with on the same day. The conservative blogs and talk shows will say, "This isn't what we wanted!" but by then it will be too late.
When it comes to the state of the Republican Party the two slowest people in the world are Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
Also, did ya notice how the impeachment talk from the Dems calmed down so rapidly? That's because George is doing so many great Liberal things they don't dare stop him! : )
I warned the RNC and the RPOF (Florida) about the Bushs years ago. (Jeb cozied up to C.A.I.R. long time ago)
They simply returned my email suggesting I should leave the Party - SO I DID!
Tiger, actually the Dems are letting Bush and his war destroy the Republican Party for a generation. They are using the age-old tactic of stepping aside when one's enemy is committing suicide.
That is very true. At one point during the Bush years (wishing they were over) the Dems were disintegrating, but they rallied and came back with a vengeance. Bush assisted them, of course.
Some folks today say Hillary will cause an upwelling of Repubs and Independents upon her nomination. I don't believe this will happen.
What can cause a "conservative" resurgence is Hillary continuing to talk Nanny government for all. It's Hillary's race to lose, in other words.
The Repubs HUGE problem is; whom do they have for the nomination? The answer is NOBODY!
Hillary Backtracks!
What can cause a "conservative" resurgence is Hillary continuing to talk Nanny government for all.
Bush has created a huge Nanny government right now, by making the former "Home of the Brave" afraid of some bearded bozo in a cave, and promsing to protect us from him if we just renounce being the "Land of the Free"
The Repubs HUGE problem is; whom do they have for the nomination? The answer is NOBODY!
Giuliani is basically a Democrat on the issue of God, Guns, and Gays, but he's all about law and order.
Romney is criticized for his flip-flops, and he has a large chunk of the Republican base who will not vote for a Mormon under any circumstances.
Fred Thompson doesn't have any passion for the top job, and seems to take pride in the things he does NOT know.
McCain blew it on immigration and campaign-finance and the "Gang of 14" Republican senators who compromised with the Dems on judicial appointments. And he looks like he's 250 years old.
Yes, George has made it a nanny state for business and that's the difference. Hillary wants ALL OF US to be beholdin to the Nanny.
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