Monday, December 05, 2005

Worth Noting - Iran is preparing for war.

Russia: Weapons to Iran for Defense Only
By MIKE ECKEL, Associated Press Writer, Dec 3, 8:17 P
MOSCOW - Russia's weapons sales to Iran are purely for defensive purposes, a government spokesman said Saturday, in response to reports that Russia was selling $1 billion worth of weapons to Iran.

"exclusively defensive weapons."...sales fully complied with nonproliferation commitments and Russian law.

Russia will send up to 30 Tor-M1 missile systems to Iran over the next two years.

The Tor-M1 system could identify up to 48 targets and fire at two targets simultaneously at a height of up to 20,000 feet.

A high-ranking Iranian official downplayed the deal, telling the official Islamic Republic News Agency on Saturday that Iran buys arms from many countries and would not stop.

The Iranians have made known their intentions against the west, particularly the United States and Israel, for years now. Since their revolution, they have branded the US as the great Satan and now Ahmadinejad ( A mad jihadi) called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

Obviously, Iran is preparing for war. Putin and Russia are playing dangerous games here.

The US must do everything within its power to bring about a social revolution in Iran. The Iranian people must be encouraged to bring about their own revolution and quickly. Time is running out.

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