Saturday, July 15, 2006

Act Now! Or, Expect Even More Violence In The Future

Bill Kristol explains why it is time to take out Iran/Syria and why this recent Arab-Israeli conflict is OUR WAR as well as Israel's.

... "Peacemongers" create destruction, "Warmongers" create peace ...


Anonymous said...

Didn't read Kristol's column yet, but I agree. Now is the time. Now or never.

If we are serious, we must defeat Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria now.

If it's not done now, I give up. It will show all that we are not serious about no one need to take us seriously.

Tiger said...

It's worth the time to read.

He argues that States that harbor and support terrorists have to be weakened, if not reduced to banality, in order to effectively fight the W.O.T. (i.e., North Vietnam was at the point of complete surrender, due to the bombing of Hanoi and other parts North, just before our civilian leadership "talked" us into losing.)

You are exactly correct, Whit. This would be a missed opportunity, not to mention a direct judgment on whether or not President Bush is serious about the W.O.T.