Monday, July 31, 2006

Repeating History, Repeating Death

... Insanity is sometimes described as repeating the same mistake, over and over again. The U.S., the U.N., the Diplomats and the Politicians who believe them; are ALL INSANE!

"The appeasers of Islamofascism, who have been calling for a ceasefire and bewailing “civilian casualties” in Lebanon and Gaza, will succeed. Hezbollah will agree to turn over its arms to the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese army. The pro-Hezbollah UN will establish a security zone on Lebanon’s southern border to keep the area clear of non-government militias, of which the Hezbollah “militia” is the only one. The credulous in the Western camp will greet this as a victory for the peacemakers. But exactly the opposite will be the case."


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a shame that this has to be said and written over and over. Still, is spite of the warnings, the history, the declared intentions of the Jihadists themselves, large segments of the world including the left and the MSM do not "get it."


Anonymous said...

I read that Lawrence Eagleburger called in to C-Span and said that if we don't do something about Iran and North Korea now, in ten years we will be asking why we didn't do something about them when we still had the chance.

For too long we have kicked the can down the road making the same mistakes repeatedly, ignoring the facts.

Maybe this time, enough people understand how the game is played and something will be done about it. That's not to say there will ever be peace in the Mid-east but at least the guilty will be punished.

Tiger said...

What bothers me also is that the Administration keeps referring to the Lebanese PM, Siniora, as a friend. What absolute insanity!