Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mockers and Scorners

Newt Gingrich's message about Iran being at the epicenter of WWIII:

The nature of the threat - with Iran at the epicenter - is at its core ideological. The ideological wing of Islam that is irreconcilable to modern civilization. And while not operationally connected, the events of just the last seven weeks throughout the world share the common strategic goal of defeating the West and its values. It could be accurately described as a third world war.

Just place these events on a map and a clear picture emerges.

was carried on the Guardian UK which is said to be the left's flagship on the British Isles.

The commenters mocked and scorned him as an insane lunatic. Read them for yourself.


Tiger said...


Newt does a great job explaining it all and they call him a nut!

I suppose the history since 1948 hasn't convinced some that "talk and diplomacy" doesn't work in this situation. Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas all want to destroy Israel - I would probably add the government of Lebanon to the list and perhaps Eygpt, although the news lately implies that the rest of "Arabia" is angry at Iran and Syria.

Europe has been invaded by Radical Islam, we've been invaded by illegal immigrants, TERROR is officially worldwide and these people just don't get it!

This is going to be a HUGE test for G.W. We're going to find out if he's serious about fighting terrorism or serious about appeasement!

Tiger said...

Oh! And BTW, I feel for G.W. on this. It's gotta be a helluva lot a pressure. What to do ... ???

Anonymous said...

"...the news lately implies that the rest of "Arabia" is angry at Iran and Syria."

I think they're mad only because Syria and Iran are mavericks; not for what they're doing. The rest of Arabia is mad because the Syrians and Iranians are acting unilaterally.

Of course, I'm sure that those who are comfortable with their oil wealth have got to be having second thoughts about this "martydom business."