Friday, July 21, 2006

Tunnels on The Lebanese Border

The Belmont Club: The Lebanese BorderAre these Hezbolla tunnels or Lebanese tunnels? Is there a difference? Certainly the Lebanese government claims (ala Arafat and now Abbas) that they have no control over Hezbollah. Syria claims it has no control over Hezbollah, Iran claims it has no control over Syria, Hezbollah or Hamas. I think they heard about the term "plausible deniability."

"No control, no responsibility, no accountibility."

Well, that con game has been exposed and so far, I haven't seen legionos of International Lawyers and Law Enforcement Officials prosecuting the con-artists in Gaza and Lebanon. International law? Who's going to enforce it? Who will prosecute? Can we bring a case against the UN? I would like to see them prosecuted for criminal negligence for their part in failing to enforce UN Resolution 1559. Let's haul the UN before the ICC.

In fact, I would be very interested in knowing what the UN knows about these tunnels. Like who built them and what may be inside them. After all, the UN and Lebanon were charged with disarming Hezbollah but having failed to do so, must surely have had plenty of time to observe the construction and provisioning of these "defensive" fortifications.

I wonder if Pat Buchanan would say "That's none of our business." or would he join the maniacal, Muslim and old Nazis in a rousing chorus of the old beer hall favorite, "The Jews Did it."

Duh, I should have known, the frickin Jews built the tunnels. We must prosecute!


Tiger said...

Gee, Pat; maybe they dug the tunnels just to bring flowers over to old people and kids in the hospital 'cause the evil Jews wouldn't let 'em walk across! Ya think!

If it's not our war who's is it? It's the WORLD's WAR, Pat! And the tunnels are there to harm Israelis!

Tiger said...

... here's a FRONTPAGE article blasting Pat ...