Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Saudi Arabia Admits To Supporting Terrorism!

... King George has given Israel 10 days to finish Hezbollah, then get out! This came right after his "main barbecue squeeze", Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, warned of a wider Mid-East War.

"In a statement read on state television, the king said he was warning the world, particularly the United States, that "if the option of peace fails as a result of Israeli arrogance, then the only option remaining will be war, and God alone knows what the region would witness in a conflict that would spare no one."

"The king (Abdullah, not George) has decreed donations totalling 1.5 billion to Lebanon, said the royal court statement. The king has assigned $500 million for the reconstruction of Lebanon, and $1 billion to be deposited in Lebanon's central bank to support the economy.
Abdullah also ordered a grant of $250,000 to the Palestinians, the statement said ..."

... do ya really think the money will be used for peaceful purposes?


Anonymous said...

I don't think he was calling for war but warning against it. There's no doubt though that the Saudis have funded terror. I heard that Iran is the biggest supporter of terror but I believe Saudi Arabia has been the biggest funder.

Tiger said...

Bush has run to "Father" Abdullah twice now, at very poignant times; just after 9-11 and now when Regional War is close to breaking out in the MidEast.


Now, Nouri al-Maliki refuses to condemn Hezbollah. You know why? He hates Israel. Does this mean he really supports Al-Qaeda?

(and yes, I realize the Dems will make hay over Maliki also, but it was handed to them on a silver platter)