Monday, July 10, 2006

I've Been Saying This For Years - You DUMBASSES!

"We believe assimilation will proceed faster and better, and both established residents and newcomers will be happier, if the current level of immigration, legal and illegal combined, is reduced."

... indeed, most reasonable people have long ago come to this common sense decision. Saying so now, by the NRO Editors, may publicly establish their position but also demonstrates their lack of influence on government policy.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

My apologies for cursing in front of a "Lady" Hawk …

What is apparent for some takes years, literally, for others to understand, at times. This is true of me as well as for others. I've always been very impressed by my fellow man's abilities and knowledge, when compared with my own; however, the frustration level gets very high sometimes.

We humans seem to consistently make the same mistakes, over and over and over and over ….