Academic Prohibition
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero 8/7/2007
In today's America, you can burn our flag but you can not mistreat the Koran. Burning the flag is freedom of expression, a form of allowable speech our courts tell us, but mistreating the Koran is a criminal felony punishable under hate-crime legislation. If you are a Moslem you can, together with your brothers, wave posters at public protests on college campuses calling for "Killing the Jews", "Destroy Israel" and declare "Jews are Sons of Apes". This our college administrators tell us is "free speech". However, you have no right, even in private, to demean a book if it is the Koran. If you do, you go to jail. This is a form of expression unallowable -- perhaps America's only remaining prohibition.
... How distressing it is that so few are willing to accept, and engage in, the confrontation necessary to preserve our culture, and that so many have become so soft that they make exuses for their cowardice. How alarming it is that so many in high places here no longer believe in our own heritage, seeing in it only evil and racism while imputing to all other cultures, and Islam, nobility only.
People give respect and gravitate to those things in society that society venerates. In the past, it was Chritianity and the American civilization. If, because of political correctness, we raise the Koran above the Bible, as Pace University has done, cherish Moslem sensibilities over Jewish life, as San Francisco State has done, then our children will look to Islam for those things transcendant. After all, our courts and universities are telgraphing that message.
How pitiful it is that the Judeo-Christian community has become so intimidated, insecure, and cuckolded that one of the primary defenders of our culture, a person willing to fight the Islamic propagandists face-to-face and head-on, is Christopher Hitchens, an atheist.
... terrific article; read it all here.
Some Americans say our government has done a great job keeping us safe, after all, no attacks since 9-11, right? WRONG! We're being attacked on a daily basis! This new type of warfare (actually an old type) makes inroads into a nations culture and institutions. Countries like America and England are especially vulnerable because of our freedom loving societies and well-meaning nature. The combination of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and Islamic Insurgent activity is bringing us down as sure as any bomb.

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