Justice lawyers have objected to the affiliation with ISNA, fearing it will undermine the case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in Dallas.
"There is outrage among lawyers that the Department of Justice is funding a group named as a co-conspirator in a terrorist financing case," said a Justice lawyer who spoke to The Washington Times on the condition of anonymity.
According to an e-mail from Susana Lorenzo-Giguere, acting deputy chief of the Voting Rights Division, the sponsorship will involve sending government lawyers to man a booth for the Labor Day weekend event in Illinois.
"This is an important outreach opportunity, and a chance to reach a community that is at once very much discriminated against, and very wary of the national government and its willingness to protect them," Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere said in an e-mail obtained by The Washington Times.
"It would be a great step forward to break through those barriers. And Chicago is lovely this time of year," Mrs. Lorenzo-Giguere said.
... eventually, you have to come to the question; Is anyone in the Bush administration in charge of anything? The answer seems to unfortunately be, YES! ... and that our government is actually working against its own people.

Dear Mr. Tiger,
I suppose the U.S. Justice Department will not celebrate islamo-fascist awareness week October 22.
I notice at public places, such as theme parks, a negativity toward the few muslims there. Our "leaders" are oblivious. I wonder if people before the french revolution finally erupted felt like we do?
Hopefully we have more self control than the French, Lady, but I get your drift. People are getting madder and madder!
Its strange to me how Rush Limbaugh and others will talk about how well the economy's doing and speak to polls showing how most folks are making more money; as if that's the only requirement for freedom!
This; "money trumps everything" attitude is as bad as PC - it will get us killed.
This Justice Dept. seminar with our enemies once again shows how out of touch the Feds are with everyday Americans.
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